Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Going uphill

Life is like a journey up to Bukit Tinggi,
It is a zig-zag road that could make your head spin 360 degrees,
At some points a blind spot would appear & you wouldn't 
be able to see what is ahead of you.
Life is a journey uphill.

Yesterday was my first journey up to the hills. My first journey driving I meant. It was awesomely cool & would love to do it again. Although the air wasn't as chilly as it used to be but the company was awesome. There wasn't much to do in Bukit Tinggi. We only went up to just walk but soon got chased out because there weren't pets allowed in the resort. Pfft! So much for a "french themed" resort. My arse! Next time you should put up a BANNER to state "NO PETS ALLOWED". How could you be a french themed resort when you do not allow pets to enter yet again sit at the restaurant. The french are famous for bringing their pets around even to dine with them. Pfft! What bull shit!

Merdeka this year wasn't as colourful as previous years. So much for "1 Malaysia". Everyone is basically paranoid about H1N1. =(

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