Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are grown ups always right?

Many a times I hear the saying, "the older you get, the wiser you would be". That is when an elder is uttering wise sayings to a young one that they are older, superior and knowledgeable and that they should be shown respect. Oh! I get it but as I stand at 21 years old and have seen a little bit of the world outside I began to think that these words are meant to state SUPERIORITY to show power but not to ask for respect.

The older you get, the wiser you become. These are famous words of the eldest but to me after giving some thought. I think the older you get, the more ignorant you become and this ignorance which have made into a habit we manipulate into being wiser. What is so wise about being ignorant? Aren't you not a fool with adapting more ignorance?

Ignorance is adapted when one just don't want to be hurt, does not to be burden, does not want to believe in the truth and it all sums up to how one wants to live in their own fantasy world and not reality. Have you ever had the presence of mind to question your elders what was it like for them as a teenager? I bet they have their own tale to tell into which many would have forgotten the pain they went through because it was the past. Then again times change to ask them to remember and to place themselves in a teenager's shoe would not be able to get the result you want. Why?

Times change, technology improves & grow, people change. Everything changes whether we like it or not and to compare is to ask a person living in the 21st century to remember what it's like living during the Stone age; it is ABSURDITY! Which modern era human is going to know what was it like living during the stone age? This is because they weren't born during that time thus they wouldn't know! So if you ask an elder to live in a teenage shoes it is the same as asking the 21st century man to remember what it is like during Stone Age.

What I'm trying to say is time is different! You can't compare your time (past) with the present because it is different. You do not know how life is at present and yet you want to compare with the past. If you ask your 15 year old self (1976) to come live at the present 2011. You would definitely think the world is crazy and you'll get lost in it. So never compare but just advice based on experience because you can never say what is right or wrong at this time.

You will definitely forget what it's like to be 15 when you're 50 but don't go on saying I used to be 15 and I'm no fool because you don't know what it's like to be 15 at 2011 compared to 15 at 1976. You forget because you have more appalling things to take care off then remembering to be 15 years old. So don't let your ignorance fool you just because you have a top-notch job. Don't let age tell you that you should lose respect towards older people. Don't let age let you be crude & open about your thoughts that you forget about blood. Don't as a grown-up say that you're more experience the younger generation just because you're older; you'd be surprise as to what the younger generation can come up. =)

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