Friday, February 26, 2010

Life changes

Life can be screwed up at times. It's just how you handle it, y'know. You gotta brave it through & find a solution. Sometimes the solution is just there right in front of your face but you just refuse to take it. Scared that you would loose this screwed up life which you have come to enjoy. Hey! You gotta face reality at times. Leaving a irresponsible life won't take you nowhere nor would it benefit you. Yes! It would bring joy to your life but it's fucked up (in a more crude way to put it).

I used a vulgar wood.. Arrgghh! call the police & summon me then.

You can say that my life is just as screwed as how I am. Nothing to do with parents or anything. Yes! I realize how screwed my life is. Studies? Those are alright. Relationship? I don't have one. So what then you  might ask. It's neither family, bf (which you don't have one) or studies. I guess it's just the social life, no. It all comes down to friends. A friend told me what sad friends I have when they have no one they'll come to me & if they don't they will just abandon me. 

Oh!! hahahaha!

Sometimes being too nice has it's negativity. So much for telling my mates not to let anyone step on their heads. Condemning my own words is what I'm great for. Haha! Well sometimes you just forget till you realize that you're actually condemning yourself by then each friend you have 'advised' has said "I TOLD YOU SO". And all I can do is just pull a face & say "ya.. ya". What else is there to say, ay.

"Ya.. ya"
Back from the emo world. Yesterday I had training. It wasn't like the training I'm used to having. I mean this was lenient. So much for leniency & I still can't keep up. I must stop my bad habits or I would never get to catch up next time. But it was fun having training. At least I'm learning something, doing something & making myself seem busy. I love making myself busy just as how I love to just stay at home & not spent my moolah (money)


On top of that I have 3 new books of a different genre to read. It's not the usual genre I'm used too but I'm giving it a try. You know life changes so people change. It's good to try new things just to experience the different things in life. I love trying new things. Anything that is. I won't care whether it's good or bad as long as I try it & I know it & I can go preached the word & say that those are good or bad. It's good knowing a lil thing or two about stuff. At least you won't seem ignorant or you could give heads up to people or people would come to you to ask if you have done it, tasted it, been there. Ah my nickname is JANE OF ALL TRAITS, MISTRESS OF NONE.

I like trying new things.
I love being random. Just as how these post is random. If you're smart at analyzing people you would understand by this post what kinda person I am. So being random is what I like & I like to know things firsthand or something that could bring me benefits in future. Plus I love my new hairstyle. I don't care how people perceive me by my physical outlook because YOU SHOULDN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.



Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My heads so hot that when I throw water it goes up in smokes

The weather is killing me! My hair has grown so fast in this month that I want to cut it again. I can't style my hair to how I like it & it looks like lalang.

I want to shave my hair bald. Wouldn't it be cool. Now I bet everyone is screaming NOOOO! I mean why not, ay. Just to live up to my name. I mean why is it not a problem for an african woman or an indian woman if they go bald. It's nothing! No one would look at them funny but if I chinese lady does that. The whole world would just stare at her down the road. Right.. right!! How unfair!

I'm picky. Someone noted that to me more than a thousand times but somehow none of my friends realize how picky I can be. I picked my food, the places to buy my clothes, the drinks, the times to do my work or sleep. I'm such a picky child since small something my parents has learnt to dealt with. Plus I'm very random. I do things whenever, wherever with anyone I want. I'm picky. I have my days, my wants & the people to hang with.


I love how my present classmates except the ones I hang out with often thinks that I'm some late, rotten, quiet person.Ok I might have exaggerated the 'rotten' part that's because I'm no such good influence in class. If there were an award of 'NO GOOD INFLUENCE'. I would be nominated & for being the quiet wan who rarely speaks up but comes in with an arrogant face. That's the word. The arrogant chiq! Hehehehe!

But if you told that to my previous classmates & lecturers they'll think you've gone crazy. Yes you see I'm picky. I can even pick the place I want to be active & not active. =D So here's an update. 




Friday, February 5, 2010

Flashing is my new hobby

Who would have thought that flashing could be something I enjoy doing. I mean I just found out how fun it is on top of all my complaints about learning new stuff. Haha! It's so fun you see learning new stuffs, I mean once it attracts you definitely you'll get hooked on it. I mean like literary get hooked on it.

So today was my first day of flashing. Although it did cause confusion & a tremendous headache but in the end I manage to do it. Once I got the hang out of it. Tada! I got hooked on it but now all I need is the software & my laptop.

Ahah! I caught your attention right. I bet you're thinking now why do I need a software & a laptop for flashing. Get your head out of your sexual fantasy people, I'm talking about Flash Animation. You know creating animation with flash. Haha! I got yall didn't I. =D Ah! The human minds really is some mind.

A catchy phrase, innit. Hehehe!

Ngek ngek ngek!! I gotcha! =p