Sunday, May 23, 2010


We humans breathe oxygen supplied by the atmosphere, we humans exhale carbon dioxide that has been evolved from oxygen, we humans experience first hand love from our parents, we humans can't live without a life partner, we humans step on each other to get on top, we humans get jealous when another human is better.

The thing is that is REALITY. We can't stray from reality, the fact of the matter is reality is right in front of our face & we just can't run away. Go away & live in your own world, a world you created & want to live but someone or something would smack you out of it. Then you would be back into reality. Reality hurts, imaginary does not. Reality eats you but imaginary does not. Reality grants you assurance.

Assurance that you would learn to love, to spend, to gain, to die, to fight, to kill, to experience. But no imaginary would grant you that. It only grants you a fantasy that would never come true unless you are so rich that you buy your fantasy but then reality would hit you back. The fact of the matter is reality is in the skin, blood & organs of us. To part from it is suicidal.

The reality is I love being by myself & I dislike hanging around so much with people. The reality is I hate selfish people. The reality is I never actually like most people except for the 1 or 2 that has made my life a serene, peaceful & enjoyable one. The rest are only, I need you when I want other than that I'm just a human who faces reality like breathing oxygen. This was what I was brought up to believe that reality will smack you right in the face.

So get out of your fantasy & face the facts. Because reality will haunt you & it will stay with you till the day you die.

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