Monday, January 11, 2010

I don't know what to say

I came here with the intentions to write about Malaysia ain't being Muhibbah at all with a draft all written up in my head but then just as I click "New post" those drafts in my head. All missing! Wahseh!! So now I've nothing much to say about the recent Church attacks. Just that I pray that those irresponsible imbecile would come to realize that they're only jeopardizing their own culture. If they don't want to be called a Malaysian then move to another country.

Now my hair. Haha! Well lots of comments given some I thank you & some I wouldn't give much thought to it. The thing is. It is my hair, my money. I can do whatever I want with it. For as long as I'm comfortable & like it. Well what's the problem. Like I said to a bunch of them, Sarah can pull anything with a hairstyle like that. That's because my hair can do somersaults, it's a wonder. In one hairstyle I can be this & another I can be that. You can't stay young for long. By each minute you grow older so why not do the things when you can because when you're old, you'll look back & say, "I wish I did that when I was younger".

For at least you tried & experimented it. For as long as you know what suits you & what doesn't. You'll never regret it. You would feel accomplished. I won't regret to what I've written but I'm sure some of you would understand that it's my decision to do what I do. I won't move forward if I don't try & realize it's a mistake. If I'm prevented from making one I would never realize what's good for me.



  1. go sarah..i like ur statement abaut ur hair!!huhu..izan suke meh!!

  2. Loving ur hair!! but i cant believe sudd u cut!! go babe!!

  3. Izan: Thanks!! Ak tau zan suke. Sampai jeles lak tu.

    Dine: Hahaha! Thanks dine dine!! I love it too. I know I just went to the hairdresser & decided to cut it short & it came out like this.
